Tag: The Devletter

  • Motivation to Write The Devletter

    The Devletter hits new milestone which I am happy to share with you. Thoughts Sometimes it is challenging to write The Devletter’s content. Before Tuesday I have enough motivation to sit down and think about Magento 2 topic I would like to share. It does not work for me to just write only because I […]

  • Magento 2 Checkout, What should you know

    Checkout in Magento 2 has been re-implemented from scratch. Now it is true single page application (SPA). Single Page Application Let me explain what “true” means in SPA. While user performs various interactions with Checkout functionality e.g. entering email, selecting a shipping method, clicking Next button, all requests sent from client’s browser to a server […]

  • Magento 2 Tips for Code Deployment

    My first compilation of “pro” tips for Magento 2 deployment to a production environment. Actually, it is applicable to any framework, platform, product, whatever else you have to deploy. Please read it very carefully, share it, and always “follow” every time you plan to update servers :). This is the first set of unique feedback […]

  • X-Magento-Vary aka HTTP Context

    This week I’ve decided to better understand X-Magento-Vary cookie. In Magento 2 there might be more than one unique information presented to a user from the same URL. Purpose X-Magento-Vary cookie is used by Magento 2 system to highlight that version of a page requested by a user has been changed. It allows having different […]

  • Useful Magento Links #1

    While you are looking for new and interesting software development content, I’ve prepared for you 3 great topics to read to improve your development skills building Magento 2 websites. Goodbye, Object-Oriented Programming A few weeks ago I found an interesting article about OOP at Medium. It is called Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming. Charles Scalfani highlights his […]