The Magento world is huge and constantly evolving. Each week something new is happening – a product update, a new tool, an industry event, a knowledge-sharing initiative. I want to make it easier for you to find your way in the ocean of Magento-related information by putting together this digest.
Here, I list all the recent Magento news that I think are worth your attention. I am familiar with Magento as a hands-on developer, a consultant, a speaker, and a trainer. I see and evaluate Magento news and updates from all these points of view selecting the information that brings value to developers, online merchants, and Magento students.
I try to fill my digest with the most important product updates, the most engaging tutorials, the most critical events that concern Magento and eCommerce in general. I want it to become your starting point and guide in the Magento universe. Click the links and see what is happening around the most popular eCommerce platform.
For your convenience, I’m adding a link to the previous Magento Tech Digest #125 in case you missed it.
Magento Tutorials
How to Troubleshoot Upgrade Issues in Magento 2 by Firebear Studio
Magento 2: How to enable “Notify me when back in stock” by Gaurav Jain
How to Create Custom Order Status in Magento 2 by Gaurav Jain
Fixed: Magento 2 “Add To Cart” Button Not Working by Gaurav Jain
Magento 2: Display Stock Availability Message on Product Page by Gaurav Jain
Magento 2 Sitemap (Everything You Need to Know) by Gaurav Jain
The Four P’s of Peak Season Performance: A Guide to Preparing Your Infrastructure for High Traffic by Corey Gelato
Use Your Brand Purpose To Guide Your Customer Experience by Maryel Price
6 Useful Ways to Create the Best Point Reward System for Customers by Lucy Pham
5 Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Converts by Diana Adjadj
Why and How to migrate Prestashop to Magento by LitExtension
Share Cart in Magento 2 by SaM Ecommerce
How To Migrate From WooCommerce To Magento, Made Simple by Nga Nguyen
Containerizing Magento with Docker Compose: Elasticsearch, MySQL and Magento by Kevin Campusano
Mage Mastery
I am thrilled to announce my new project. Mage Mastery is for developers by developers. Mage Mastery is a free learning resource for all topics related to Magento 2. Whether you want to learn backend or frontend of Magento 2 development, this is the place to go.
Magento 2 Development Workshop by Max Pronko
What’s new in Magento 2.4? by Max Pronko
Magento Commerce Testing by Max Pronko
Load & Performance Testing by Max Pronko
API Testing by Max Pronko
SQL by Max Pronko
Introduction to the Bug Tracking Systems by Max Pronko
How to report a bug in a software managing system by Max Pronko
Test Case / Checklist by Max Pronko
A QUICK WAY to print log or data in any PHP file in Magento 2 by Prince Patel
How to send custom email in Magento 2? by Mujahidh Haseem
How to get region code by region id in Magento 2? by Mujahidh Haseem
How to Get CMS Page Collection by Identifier in Magento2 by Prince Santoki
How to Add Custom Layout Dropdown on CMS page after Magento 2.3.4 by Dhiren Vasoya
Solved: Magento 2 Show Double Thumbnail Image When Select Configurable Products by Dhiren Vasoya
Create, modify & manage Magento configuration by Mark Shust
Replace default Magento admin logo by Iftakharul Alam
Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Action by Max Pronko
Layout Rendering in Magento 2 by Max Pronko
Hello World in Magento 2 in 60 seconds ONLY by Max Pronko
Mastering Layout Configuration in Magento 2 by Max Pronko
Listing Component in Magento 2 Customer Account by Max Pronko
Magento 2 Controller vs Symfony Controller – Who is the WINNER? by Max Pronko
Magento 2 Development Training by Max Pronko
Connecting With the Magento Ecosystem by Joshua Warren
Magento Tech Digest #125 by Max Pronko
Norwegian retailer Get Inspired sees 30% growth YoY after migrating to Magento 2 by Alexander Fundin
B2B Commerce Best Practices During COVID-19 — and Beyond by Julie Wilson
Magento 2.4 Release: What is New? by Dasha M.
How To Migrate From WooCommerce To Magento, Made Simple by Nga Nguyen
Top Brands Using Magento For ECommerce Platform by Amit Samsukha
How to Choose a New eCommerce Platform Now that Magento 1 is Done by Casey Kelly-Barton
Magento 2.4 Open Source: New Features and Improvements by An Nguyen
Magento 2 Community Vs Enterprise Edition by Victoria Gray
How to Hire a Magento Developer for Your E-commerce Project by Magecom
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I hope you did. I personally think these resources are worth following and subscribing to. However, I may have missed something and would really appreciate if you showed me where else we can find relevant Magento information. Please share links and tell me what you think about Magento digest and how I can make it better.
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