Category: Magento
Custom Frontend Payment Validation in Magento 2
In this article, I will go through validators used for payment method forms in Magento 2 and show how to create a new custom validator. Overview Sometimes payment methods require additional frontend validations. Whether we want to customize validation message or add extra checks before payment form is marked as valid and data can be […]
Magento 2.1.3 Payment Changes Overview and Recommendations
New Magento 2.1.3 and Magento 2.0.11 releases include payment enhancements and improvements. Changes affect Paypal, Braintree and Authorize.Net payment modules in Magento Community Edition. In this article, I review changes in the Magento\Payment module. Also, I will answer the question about backward compatibility for custom payment integrations. After reading this article you will know: What have new […]
Magento 2 Checkout, What should you know
Checkout in Magento 2 has been re-implemented from scratch. Now it is true single page application (SPA). Single Page Application Let me explain what “true” means in SPA. While user performs various interactions with Checkout functionality e.g. entering email, selecting a shipping method, clicking Next button, all requests sent from client’s browser to a server […]
Magento 2 Tips for Code Deployment
My first compilation of “pro” tips for Magento 2 deployment to a production environment. Actually, it is applicable to any framework, platform, product, whatever else you have to deploy. Please read it very carefully, share it, and always “follow” every time you plan to update servers :). This is the first set of unique feedback […]
X-Magento-Vary aka HTTP Context
This week I’ve decided to better understand X-Magento-Vary cookie. In Magento 2 there might be more than one unique information presented to a user from the same URL. Purpose X-Magento-Vary cookie is used by Magento 2 system to highlight that version of a page requested by a user has been changed. It allows having different […]
Database Query Logging in Magento 2
In Magento 2.x as well as Magento 1.x there is an option to enable database logging. It allows to profile all queries in the system and perform optimization if necessary. In this article, I will show you how to enable database logging for MySQL adapter in Magento 2. In my previous article, I wrote about separate […]
Useful Magento Links #1
While you are looking for new and interesting software development content, I’ve prepared for you 3 great topics to read to improve your development skills building Magento 2 websites. Goodbye, Object-Oriented Programming A few weeks ago I found an interesting article about OOP at Medium. It is called Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming. Charles Scalfani highlights his […]
Deploy Magento 2 Like A BOSS
How do you deploy changes to the production environment? There are many articles about continuous deployment you may read about. Some of the articles are over-detailed with technical details. Rather than going to a point on how to setup or build deployment for your project you become Ph.D. It is great to know everything, in theory, […]
CDN for Magento 2
The ideal scenario for a website built on Magento 2 platform is to use CDN or content delivery network to serve page assets such as JavaScript, CSS, Fonts, HTML and finally Media to a client’s browser. A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers (network) that deliver web pages and other Web content to […]
Amazon Web Services for Magento 2
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide reach set of cloud-computing services to setup, build and run scalable environment. I use AWS as a main hosting provider to run Magento 2 websites. I decided to share a minimum set of services to build the Magento 2 infrastructure. Amazon EC2 First and most widely used service is Amazon EC2 or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. […]