Magento Tech Digest #3 – News, Tutorials and Tools (September 4 – 19, 2017)

Hi Magento Developers!

I would like to share with you Magento Tech Digest #3. In this digest you can find new security releases for Magento 1 and Magento 2, interesting articles for Magento 2 development and as always list of TOP Magento 2 GitHub Pull Requests hand-picked by myself as most interesting ones.

News and Updates





Magento 2 GitHub Pull Requests – Max’s TOP favorites

There is the absolute record set during Magento Contribution Day in Krakow, Poland, September 17, 2017. During Meet Magento Poland Magento team together with 40 developers fixed and created 25 pull requests.

Also, please view latest Pull Requests to Magento 2 project which I believe are most interesting and bring great value to the platform:

  • #10918 Created memory efficient iterator for importexport_importdata table by diwipl. This pull request addresses huge memory usage during importing huge list of products. The 1 500 000 entities import should easily run on 8GB RAM server or less.
  • #10414 – Add ability to load block and pages by identifiers by damiantomczak. This is a very interesting improvement for the CMS blocks and CMS pages management. New Service API has been added. Now, developers can load a page instance by using the Magento\Cms\Api\PageManagementInterface interface. Same with loading blocks, the Magento\Cms\Api\BlockManagementInterface interface provides getByIdentifier() method to load block.
  • #10771 Code generate: support variadic parameter by Evgeniy Kalashnikov. This improvement adds variadic parameter support for the auto-generated code. Now it is possible to create a plugin for the method which looks like get($path, …$objects).

This is all for the Magento Tech Digest #3. Let me know in comments below if I missed an interesting technical post. In case you would like to contribute to the next Magento Tech Digest please send me a message with your proposed link.

Read Magento Tech Digest #2 for the previous collection of Magento technical tutorials.








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