Are you looking for content which will help you to make right decision about Magento 2 Upgrade? In this article I will focus on decision making, delivering features as Scrum Team, importance of Demo meetings and Customers.
Make Best Decision
The moment you decided to switch to Magento 2 is unique one. It might be huge mistake if your decision is based only on your internal feel that Magento 2 is right for to drive market. You have to perform deep investigation first. From other side your decision might be the only right you have ever did.
It is an opportunity to properly plan whole Website Upgrade from the very first expectation with all possible details. As you know that The devil is in the details. By this I mean that the very first time you assumed something that a feature should behave one way – it is a failure. Be very open and specific with stakeholders who make a call and approve functionality.
Work as Scrum Team
In the Scrum Team there are no backend developer, frontend developer, designer or tester. Everyone performs their best to deliver on commitment.
Consider this as an example. A team of 5 developers has 4 tasks for QA and 1 task for development. Who should do what? Ideally, and this is in our (developers) mind is to start work on development task and no matter what might happen at the end of a sprint task is going to be implemented. How should other react? Should they fight for 1 development task? Team’s commitment becomes a responsibility for whole team and not just 1 or 2 developers who did all development. If work would not be tested – Se La Vi (from Franch means “you loose”, or something like that).
Scrum Team is self-organised and responsible for Sprint delivery. All team members are (I hope so) motivated to deliver work in time.
In case you plan to deliver Magento 2 project for Enterprise client or just open-source project an consider to have small Scrum Teams with 5-7 members. You will be confident to have proper planning with small team. Once delivery process is properly setup for one small team there won’t be any issues to have 10 Scrum Teams.
Decide what features should be implemented from scratch
During planning you may come to a situation when you have to decide: should a feature be implemented from scratch or migrated from Magento 1.x?
It is important to mention most likely you will implement Magento 2 Modules from scratch. As for now, March 2016, there is no “magic” script for Magento Community (maybe we, as a #realMagento community have to implement one), let’s say, to move all inline JavaScript code into nice jQuery widgets with requireJS configuration added into a bunch of different layout files per page.
Demo after Demo after Demo
As I said before, it is important to have common understanding before developers start implementatation. But, if you started implementation my advice here is to show demo to stakeholders as soon as feature is available.
It might happen (finger crossed) you will finish development, code review, refactoring and testing before end of sprint. It is better to show feature and collect feedback.
Customer is your first priority
Always care about your customers. Whether they are internal users who will be using your features or external customers. The thing is you never know your external customer who spends 100$ per year has an influenced friend who has a business. In future that friend’s business might bring you millions in revenue.
Success of your Website Upgrade is crucial in the era of fast-growing eCommerce market. Make it works for your business.
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