The Magento world is huge and constantly evolving. Each week something new is happening – a product update, a new tool, an industry event, a knowledge-sharing initiative. I want to make it easier for you to find your way in the ocean of Magento-related information by putting together this digest.
Here, I list all the recent Magento news that I think are worth your attention. I am familiar with Magento as a hands-on developer, a consultant, a speaker, and a trainer. I see and evaluate Magento news and updates from all these points of view selecting the information that brings value to developers, online merchants, and Magento students.
I try to fill my digest with the most important product updates, the most engaging tutorials, the most critical events that concern Magento and eCommerce in general. I want it to become your starting point and guide in the Magento universe. Click the links and see what is happening around the most popular eCommerce platform.
For your convenience, I’m adding a link to the previous Magento Tech Digest #142 in case you missed it.
Magento Tutorials
How to Configure the Default Page in Magento 2 by Gaurav Jain
How to Create New CMS Block in Magento 2 by Gaurav Jain
Step-by-step Guide To Set Up Fastly For Magento 2 by Giang Le
How to install Magento 2.4 in one click by Hung Tran
How to create custom Helloworld module in magento 2 step by step by Hung Tran
How to add facebook pixel to magento 2 website by Hung Tran
Best Practices for Magento 2 Development by Argos
Mage Mastery
I am thrilled to announce my new project. Mage Mastery is for developers by developers. Mage Mastery is a free learning resource for all topics related to Magento 2. Whether you want to learn backend or frontend of Magento 2 development, this is the place to go.
Magento 2 Development Workshop by Max Pronko
Developer and Code
Курс по разработке блога с помощью языка программирования PHP, системы управления базами данных MySQL и других необходимых библиотек и решений.
08. Пишем Блог на PHP. Страница Постов и пагинация by Макс Пронько
PHP Регистрация и Авторизация. Полноценное приложение на PHP и MySQL by Макс Пронько
09. Пишем Блог на PHP. Twig функции для ссылок by Макс Пронько
Magento 2: How to use Default Curl Class For API Call by Dhiren Vasoya
How to Create CSV and Download Programmatically in Magento 2 by Rohan Hapani
How to Create Excel File Programmatically in Magento 2 by Rohan Hapani
How to Add Custom Column to Order Grid in Magento 2 by Rohan Hapani
How to Add Custom Mass Action to Customer Grid in Magento 2 by Rohan Hapani
Magento 2: Append Block to Specific Container Dynamically by Dhiren Vasoya
Top 5 FREE Magento 2 Extensions by Gaurav Jain
Magento 2 `Yireo_Webp2` стає` Yireo_NextGenImages by Yireo NL
Magento Community Updates
Deprecation of Split Database in Magento Commerce by Ben Marks
Magento 2 advice for experienced developers by Max Pronko
Magento 2 API tests and how to write TESTS by Max Pronko
Unit vs Integration Tests by Max Pronko
Magento 2 Extensions section on Home Page Magento 2 Theme Development by Max Pronko
Custom Buttons and Magento UI Library | Magento 2 Theme Development by Max Pronko
Magento 2 Development Training by Max Pronko
Magento Tech Digest #142 by Max Pronko
Top 6 eCommerce Trends to Look Forward to in 2021 by SaM Ecommerce
Top 5 Magento 2 Migration Service Providers by Mary Nguyen
Why is magento better than word press and adobe experience manager by
Did you find something interesting?
I hope you did. I personally think these resources are worth following and subscribing to. However, I may have missed something and would really appreciate if you showed me where else we can find relevant Magento information. Please share links and tell me what you think about Magento digest and how I can make it better.
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